Friday, July 18, 2008

Lunchtime Conversation

We all sat around the table eating when Camen asked, "Mom, how much money do you have?

I rarely have cash on hand, but this time I happen to have more than usual. "I'm not telling," was my response.

Exasperated he cried, "Oh! That's not fair!"

Trying to satisfy his desperate curiosity, that I'm sure he inherited from me, I answered, "I'll say that it's more than ten dollars.

"Just tell us!"

Silence. (Except for whatever Savannah is talking about, but I can't remember because there's always some kind of chatter and I find that I can quickly disappear into my own thoughts.)

A minute later Camen casually inquired, "Mom, when you die will you leave your money with us?

A little taken back by his indifference to my death and eagerness to get some unknown sum of money, I said, "No. I'm taking it with me!"

"You can't do that!"

The offense began to sink in and with perhaps a little hurt in my voice I asked, "What kind of question is that!?"

I look over and notice the pained expression on Naomi's face. I'm touched that she doesn't want me to die. So trusting that one of our more sensitive children will console me. I ask, "Does that make you sad Naomi?"

Naomi softly answers, "Yes." She sinks in her chair and covers her hands over her eyes that are quickly becoming wet with tears. "Because when I go to heaven I want to take my teddy bear and Minnie Mouse with me."

Feel the love!


hOLLIANN said...

That is so cute! My kids have no idea what money is. At the checkstand they are too busy lobbing things in my cart, like gum and candybars...I guess this gets me back for all the times CJ and I used to hide beer in my moms cart just to see what she would do!

Nicki said...

Too funny Melissa! We've got to just keep hoping that someday they will appreciate all we do and sacrifice for them!

Stephanie Humphreys said...

Cute. You just never quite know what they are thinking. Love your blog.

Amy Savage said...

That is good!!! Kids never lie, eh? Gotta love their innocence!