Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Activity Day!

Twice a month I get together with these great girls. Last October I was called to work with two other women to serve the ten and eleven year old "Activity Days" group from our church. I love this age group! They are exceptionally sweet, helpful and happy to be involved with every activity.

We meet during the week and do a variety of activities that help them learn and live the gospel, serve others and develop talents. For example, we have made blankets for the needy, played Ultimate Frisbee, had a Daddy-Daughter game night, provided babysitting, made journals, planted flowers, had a voice lesson from a finalist in the Miss America pageant, and this Tuesday we learned about Family History.

This is a church calling that I would be happy to have forever!


Nicki said...

I have to agree. Activity Days was my favorite calling ever! You have a huge group. How fun!

Melissa said...

We do have a big group, there are actually 15 girls and it's not uncommon to have them all there. Good thing there are three leaders!

~ kietra ~ said...

Yep, best calling ever!! Love that age when they still respect you and love their leaders. Ha, ha! By the way, you look great!!

Mrs. James Quigley said...

You look dang good, that is one calling I've never had and never really wanted, but you make it sound great!

PMC said...

we have the same calling! fun! we will have to swap ideas!!!
