Saturday, October 11, 2008


I found an old friend from BYU on Facebook. Anna Jones, formerly Anna Pearson, now lives in Salt Lake and is a very fine photographer.

I love her work! She uses natural light, creative composition, and vibrant color to make masterpieces. I am so excited that she is now teaching small groups and that I'm going to attend her first class (with my new camera) on October 25th!

To me photography is both artistry and the preservation of history. I've dabbled with photography off and on for awhile, and have met some frustration with our little digital camera that is often too slow to capture the moment and limited in its ability to do what I want it to. I also have a traditional SLR that broke after a couple years use. While it is still semi-functional it surely isn't reliable, which is especially annoying after you spend money on developing the film. (Yes, some places still develop film.)

Last month Russ told me he was going to surprise me with a camera for my birthday, but since there are so many cameras he decided to let me in on the secret so I could have a say in which one I got. At first I was surprised, and was in the mind set that, "It's okay, I don't really need one", and, "We can wait until later." All that has changed, especially after he convinced me he'd been saving for a loooong time. Now I can't wait and I'm doubly excited to get some good instruction!

There might still be spaces available for the class if anyone is interested. If nothing else, I highly recommend looking at her blog, it is amazing!

I'm a big fan of good family pictures. Trust me, I know that it's very challenging to find coordinating clothing, get everyone dressed, do hair, and then hope that everyone is still happy and capable of smiling. The task is so daunting that we are still waiting to get a family picture with Mason. I would like to have an outdoor winter family picture, maybe it won't be too much longer as snowflakes were falling this morning. (Although, we do have currently a baby with a cold and should wait until he gets better.)

Soon I would like to start taking pictures of family and friends. I'm very much a beginner so anyone willing to find coordinating clothing, get everyone dressed, do hair, and then smile would be doing me a big favor, so I won't be charging.


Nicki said...

Sign us up! That sounds fun and i know you'll be great at it. I am jealous of your new camera. I am tempted to break mine, I hate it!

Stephanie Humphreys said...

What a great opportunity. I would take you up on the family photo, but we're just too far away. Maybe the next time we come to Utah.

~ kietra ~ said...

Just out of curiousity= what kind of camera did you get? :) I LOVE my new camera!!

emily said...

Sign me and Michael up! Also, please pass along any sort of photography advice. I want to learn, but I have limited ability and a very limited camera :)

Melissa said...

I actually haven't gotten it yet, I have to wait until my birthday. (It's a Canon.)