Sunday, April 12, 2009

Blogging Sabbatical

So I've been on a little blogging sabbatical. Perhaps I can ease my guilty conscience by explaining myself. After many years of having Russ work full time and go to school part time his December graduation means that we now have time to just hang out together. Before, when he did homework I blogged, so naturally no homework means no blogging, right? Now we just talk and talk without stress or interruption. We've taken on a several projects together and I've found a few community groups that have kept me busy in the evenings as well.

Now that I'm behind I must catch up. Over the next week (or two) I will go through pictures and fill in most of what I've missed. The blog dates will match the date the events occurred, which might be against blogging ethics - but it's my blog and I'll do what I want to. (You would predate blog too if it happened to you.)


tamra said...

Welcome back! I look foward to catching up!

Rachel said...

Glad to have ya back!

Pam said...

Yea! You have been sorely missed - we've even discussed our extreme lack of updates with concern at our house. Happily, we all understand your absence and are so thrilled that you got to become reacquainted with your dear husband.

Elisabeth (and Tyler) said...

Welcome Back.. All is right with the world again :)

hOLLIANN said...

You and me both! We need to get together before you guys move too far away...

Welcome! said...

YEA! You are back tracking on all your blog posts! I have you on my blog roll, but you remained at the bottom bc of the dates... I just noticed you had new old updates :) good to read about the last couple of months :)

Lee and Marie said...

I thought your blogging sabbatical was over?!?! How are you guys?
I don't know if you ever have time to look at my blog - but I stalk yours ;) I thought I'd let you know that I've gone private and if you'd like an invite email me at mariebelliston at hotmail dot com and tell me what email address you want me to send the invite to. Thanks! Marie

Raquel Thomas said...

What my (much more eloquent) sister and niece said!